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Master Plan
Master Plan
Master Plan
  • Needs Assessment and Data Collection: Conducting a thorough assessment of the current conditions and needs of the area or project site. This involves gathering data on demographics, land use, transportation, infrastructure, environmental conditions, and community preferences.
  • Visioning and Goal Setting: Facilitating workshops and meetings with stakeholders to define a shared vision for the future development of the area and establish clear and achievable goals for the master plan.
  • Land Use Planning: Analyzing the site’s potential and formulating a land use plan that designates appropriate areas for residential, commercial, industrial, recreational, and public spaces, along with zoning recommendations.
  • Transportation and Mobility Planning: Assessing existing transportation systems and developing plans to improve connectivity, traffic flow, public transit, pedestrian accessibility, and bike infrastructure.
  • Infrastructure and Utilities Planning: Evaluating existing infrastructure and utilities to identify deficiencies and planning for the expansion and improvement of essential services, such as water supply, sewage, electricity, and waste management.
  • Environmental Analysis and Sustainability: Conducting environmental assessments to identify ecological sensitivities, conservation areas, and measures to promote sustainable development and minimize environmental impacts.
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