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  • Programming: Understanding the client’s needs and goals for the project and developing a comprehensive program that outlines the project requirements, spatial needs, and functional considerations.
  • Site Analysis: Conducting a thorough analysis of the project site, including studying the topography, climate, environmental factors, and legal restrictions that may impact the design.
  • Schematic Design: Developing initial design concepts and ideas, including sketches and diagrams to illustrate the overall concept and spatial relationships.
  • Design Development: Refining the chosen concept, creating detailed drawings, and developing the design to a more comprehensive and coordinated level.
  • Construction Documents: Preparing detailed architectural drawings, specifications, and other documents necessary for obtaining construction permits and guiding the construction process.
  • Bidding and Negotiation: Assisting the client with the selection of contractors through the bidding and negotiation process.
  • Construction Administration: Providing oversight during the construction phase to ensure that the project is built according to the design intent and addressing any construction-related issues that may arise.
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